A little over a year ago, I wrote a blog called Write What You Know, exploring the meaning behind the sage advice that many writers are given. Delving a bit deeper into the topic, I've been thinking about just how this can be accomplished.
Great writing contains the perfect mix of truth and creativity. This mix can be different for each writer and it is up to us to find the mix that works best. I have said many times in the past that most of my writing is based in reality but there are always creative elements mixed in. For other writers, their writing may be based on creativity with elements of reality mixed in, but there is always a mix of the two, even when it may not be evident to the reader.
While working on my new short story compilation, a lot of the work is based on truths in my life or the lives of those around me. Many things have been changed, left out, embellished or just plain made up. Anyone who knows me well enough will be able to see some of the similarities between the stories and my life. But even the people that know me best would not be able to tell without a shadow of a doubt, exactly what is true and what I created for the story.
After sharing one of my earliest short stories with a friend, his response was, "Wow, that's pretty personal, don't you think?" He was right of course, there was a lot in there that was highly personal to me, but that is what made the story work. My pain and confusion was easily felt by the reader because it was something that I understood whole-heartedly and could convey to the reader quite clearly.
While, at times, I quite literally write what I know (variations of experiences that I have had in my life), I get to change the experiences to suit my needs. Have you ever had an argument with someone and later thought of things that you wished you had said? Why not include that argument in your work and change it so that the argument goes the way you wish it had?
Now that you get the picture of how writing based in reality is infused with creative elements, you might be asking how creative works are infused with reality. Sci-fi and fantasy stories are perfect examples. Think about Star Wars. The places, people and in some cases, even the languages were completely invented leaving little doubt that the events in the story never took place in the real world. So where is the reality in this, you might be asking. It is infused in the emotion of the characters and even how they interact with one another.
When creating a completely fictional scenario, an author can make it real by having the characters react and behave the same way the author or someone they know would behave in a similar situation. Emotions are the realest, truest experience that can be the difference between a reader connecting to a character and being indifferent towards them.
What mix of reality and creativity works for you?
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